26 August 2009
24 August 2009
I had a picture ready to go, but...
Addi was holding a sign with lots of information about her school, teacher, etc. and I just didn't feel okay about publishing that on the internet. Call me crazy! I already feel like sometimes I share too much just because you never know who's looking at what. It didn't even occur to me this morning to take more than one picture of her without the sign. The one I got wasn't such a great shot. So, I'll post a second day of 1st grade photo tomorrow. Nevertheless, she had a good day and will probably be in bed in about 2 hours, just as soon as I can shovel food in her and throw her in the bath.
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18 August 2009
Happy Birthday to You!
Today is your 4th birthday, my sweet girl! I'm having a hard time believing you've been a part of our family for 4 years now, yet it's hard for me to remember a time without you.
You are one of the most unselfishness people I know. I have much to learn from you, Libby Lu! Even today, on your birthday, you have insisted on sharing with your brother and sister. As much as we've tried making this day all about you, you've wanted it to be just like any other day. The one exception has been your acceptance of being the only person to press the elevator buttons!
We will be in Galveston tomorrow because you chose to celebrate your birthday at the beach instead of having a party with your friends. I drove down to Houston with you and your siblings yesterday and we met Daddy for supper. He flew down earlier in the day for work. Later today, we're going to see some butterflies and then we'll meet Daddy for a birthday dinner and give you presents.
I love you, baby girl! Happy Birthday!
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16 August 2009
the big, fun party that never happened and the pink guitar that made it all better
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11 August 2009
Six Flags + August in TX = (hot)Fun, Fun, FUN!
05 August 2009
04 August 2009
snippets of a seventeen month old
17 months, already?! How did that happen?? My baby boy is growing up too fast. Let's see if I can get in 17 10 7(?) things about him before we have to leave for Addison's gymnastics class.
- Levi has finally decided to climb, on his belly with feet first, down the stairs. After a few tumbles all the way down, I am very relieved. This morning, Addi had a friend over and the 3 girls were up and down the stairs, up and down. Sweet Levi tried so hard to catch them. He'd make it about halfway and then have to start moving the opposite direction because they'd run past him.
- His words: hi, night-night, ball, bye, more, yes, no, MaMa, DaDa, hold,amen.
- His signs: more, please, thank you.
- Levi is at one of those frustrating stages. His communication is not up to par and he gets so upset with me for not knowing what he wants. We had a battle last night at supper and a smaller one this morning at breakfast. He's had it with signing for the time being and just wants to use Levish (his own jibberish combined with screaming) to communicate. I know it won't be long until I can decipher more/most of his speech. Until then, we'll be a frustrated duo.
- My little man can still sleep with the best of 'em. He has fought me all summer over giving up his morning nap. I haven't won yet. He slept for 2 hours this morning and has been asleep for over an hour so far this afternoon. He'll probably sleep at least another hour and then he'll get in about 12 hours tonight. Now, how to get the other 2 to do the same? :)
- Messes follow him. He wears me out. I'd like to say that's because I'm keeping up with cleaning after him. Unfortanately, I'm not. And I'm still worn out.
- When Levi decides to snuggle, there is nothing better. I usually get in good lovin' at bedtime each night. It's a great reward for the beating I take during supper. :)
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