Her New Skill (besides enjoying a chocolate donut)
Each night I put Libby to bed we have a little routine. We must follow it or bedtime turns into lots of screaming and crying (and, yes, at least initially, the screaming and crying is coming from her).
First, I change her diaper and put her into pajamas. Then we go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and she "washes" her hands and drinks water from the bathroom sink. The next step is crucial. She walks up the 2 steps of her stool onto her bed and crawls under the covers. If I ever try to hurry this event up by placing her into bed, the tantrum begins. After that she always says, "Tover up me! Tover up me, Mommy!" and I do. Next she requests two songs and a prayer. I always have to ask her which songs even though they are always Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves Me, respectively. The prayer consists of her naming everyone she's ever met and me praying for those people. The last thing we have to do is hug and kiss.
Last night, though, she decided she needed to tell me "sometin". When I walked back to her bedside, she smiled and said, "Sing Twinkle, Twinkle?" I told her no because we'd already sang and it was time to go to sleep. Then she tried, " I wan pray, Mommy!" Again, I told her no. Her last plea was, "I need tell Mommy a secret!" I ended up leaving her room with her still protesting.
I can remember when Addi started trying to delay bedtime. That was when putting her to bed became such agony. Apparently that is just what's in store for me with Libby. But, I know that it won't last forever.
Don't tell her, but I'll secretly cherish each and every delay until she no longer wants me around at all.