17 February 2007

THE Birthday Party

Libby went to her first birthday party today that wasn't a family member or one she was invited to only because Addi was invited. It was for some friends from preschool, Adam and Tiergan who both turned 2 yesterday. She had a good time eating and playing and I had a good time being able to devote all of my attention to her. I took pictures like she was my first child :)...but I won't subject you to all of them.

Libby with Isabella, Wahalyn, Nakoah, (little bit of) Tiergan, and Makierah. Isabella, Tiergan, and Nakoah are all in her preschool class. When we got to the party, she pulled me to each of her friends, gave them a hug and then just stood and smiled at them.

Libby loves to eat. She takes her time and makes a mess. She was the last one to finish eating her pizza and her cupcake and ice cream.

It didn't bother her one bit that everyone had finished and had gone off to play as she continued to eat!

She loved the fire truck. She loved climbing on it, driving it, walking around it, and especially carrying the fire fighter's hat around!

Still has the hat :)

Dropped the hat to go "borrow" some kid's train!

Most of our time was spent at the grocery store. After we finally got rid of the hat, she had a grocery cart with her everywhere she went :)

WATER! What kid doesn't love water! I couldn't get her away from it when we were here for Addi's birthday party. Today though, she was super frustrated with the smock, so we didn't stick around long. If only I had figured that out on our first visit... :)