Band-Aids: This Season's Must-Have Fashion Accessory
Addison goes through band-aids like a chain-smoker goes through cigarette packs. And, no, she isn't prone to cuts and scrapes. She really just likes wearing band-aids. She reminded me when we stopped at the Harris Teeter around the corner that she needed some more. I groaned because I could go buy her a book of 650 stickers at A.C. Moore for 99 cents instead of spending 3 bucks on a box of 20 band-aids. I mean, her use for band-aids is pretty much the same as her use for stickers. She has probably only needed band-aids once for every year of her life (= 4!) But, because I was already feeling like the most neglectful mother on the planet, I caved. And, not only did I cave, I let her get the Princess tattoo band-aids that cost an entire dollar more than the Hello Kitty or Dora band-aids! Then, this is what I found on the kitchen table.
Fortunately, I found her before she plastered every last band-aid on her person.