Dear Reagan Elizabeth,
It seems you are growing far faster than I ever believed possible! Was it really 5 years ago that I was swaddling your little 7 pound body up and tucking you under my chin to snuggle? I blinked and now you're heading to kindergarten in 3 days! It's almost too much for this momma's heart to handle.
This past year your father and I have seen you mature and develop in ways we weren't sure would happen. You surprise me often. You make me laugh daily. You sneak into our bed at least twice a week. You puzzle me a few times each day. And, you make me think more with your insightful observances. You were our tiniest and most high maintenance baby. You were our emotional and strong-willed toddler. (You're still emotional and your brother might out-will you.) You became our more relaxed, go-with-the-flow, outgoing preschooler. Through it all, you have been tough, joyful, girl-y, loving, busy, forgiving, honest, opinionated, yet carefree, clever, and giving.
Your family adores you. I see a loyalty that has developed between you and your siblings that warms my heart. You seem to have a special closeness with each member of our family and are able to brighten anyone's day, if you want to. You are innocent and faithful and unashamed in your love for Jesus. You challenge me in my walk with the Lord.
I have worried and worried about sending you to school so young, but I know you're ready. I know you may not be thrilled about the "boring stuff", but I suspect, when the time comes, you'll humor your teacher more than you will your mom. At least, that's what I'm hoping. :) I have prayed for your teacher and prayed for wisdom. I feel at peace.
I will miss you terribly, with my feelings only being surpassed by your brother's who, I fear, will spend his days pleading with me to pick the "gurls" up. After all, you've been his constant playmate. He may feel a little lost without you. Addi will be happy to, at last, be able to pick you up from your room and walk with you out to meet me. You both will be thrilled to see each other throughout the day. And, Levi and I will be counting the minutes until 3 o'clock.
We will cherish the evenings and weekends with you a little more now that we won't be with you as much. Daddy will get to have special time with you as he coaches your soccer team and Levi will get some special time with you since you will give up gymnastics, but we'll still be going to Addi's gymnastics class. I'm sure you'll still be snuggling next to me a couple nights a week and I'll take that as our special time together!
Words cannot adequately express the love your father and I have for you.