I'm going to attempt to get back to this blogging-thing again. No promises. I've wanted to for a while, but I think my pride's been keeping me away. What if I make the claim that I'm back and then I fail?! Then I realized that anyone who ever read this blog has given up all hope that I'll ever return, so I'm only really letting myself down if I don't keep the blogging up :)
I was going to add some pics from the last day of school...maybe even comparisons from the first day to the last day to see how much older my girlies looked, but then I had to google our blog address (wow, if that's not a clue that I've been away to long... really, it's because we got a new computer and I don't have my bookmarks on it) and all these past pictures of my kids came up as saved by other people. What??! I didn't investigate too much, mainly 'cause I'm a little freaked out about it. It's probably no big deal. I do have a big imagination. (Just ask Mr. Parker about that!) But, I don't know. I'll check it out a little more and talk to Bryan before I post any more pictures. Whew! My writing is gonna have to get a lot more interesting if I'm not gonna be posting any more pictures! :)
So, a quick recap of the end of the school year and our summer, so far.
Addison finished 2nd grade and I truly think that's the end of my denial that she's growing up. She keeps talking about being a 3rd grader now - Not so fast, Addi!
Reagan (if she was reading this, she'd roll her eyes and remind me, "It's LIBBY!") finished kindergarten and is happy to have some time off. She's a young one with her August birthday and kindergarten was a little more trying for her than it was for Addi. She ended up doing well, but, man, was she ever tired at the end of school days.
Addi is such a first-born, over-achieving, perfectionist that school has been truly stimulating for her. Libby is not a first-born, obviously. She over-achieves at anything social. I have seen some perfectionist tendencies lately, when it comes to accessorizing her outfits. I'm only sort-of joking. Actually, Libby is Libby. She's go-with-the-flow, loves to be with people, is always ready for fun, enjoys any activity, if it is her idea (stubborn?), and is passionate. I did notice over Spring Break, she started asking how many more days until she got to go back to school because she missed her teacher and her friends. Any break before that was met with resistance the night before it ended.
Addison had such a neat group in her class this year. I so hope she gets to have several of them in her class again next year. The girls school is busting at the seams. This is the case with every school in this growing city where we live. I did see today where they've broken ground on a new elementary school in our neighborhood (it's less than a mile from our house/our school), so that will take some of the pressure off our school, but it won't be ready this school year. In the meantime, our school has added 2 new portable classrooms this summer. All that to say, there are usually 7 classes of each grade. Or, at least that's been the case since Addison's kinder year. So, she only had 1 kid in 1st grade that she'd had in kinder and 2 this year from her 1st grade class. On one hand, it's nice because she gets to know so many kids, but she's heartbroken when one of her best friends is in a different class.
Libby's best friend changed every other day, so she'll be fine. I do hope she gets a couple of the "sweeter" girls in her 1st grade class, just because she'll be more comfortable the first week. But, it won't be a big deal to her after the first 20 minutes of the first day if she doesn't know a soul in her class.
Both girls did gymnastics and soccer this past year. Addison took gymnastics classes the entire year, but I made Libby give up gymnastics during the Fall soccer season. I just didn't know if it would all be too much after spending her days at school. It would've been. She could've come home every day during the first 2 9-week periods and taken a nap. Addi wasn't interested in soccer until she saw Libby playing, so she started in the Spring. Levi also took Mommy-and-Me gymnastics this past year and has just started an independent class this summer. He loves it! He just loves expending energy :) The girls gave up gymnastics for the summer. Addison says she wants to go back once school starts, but Libby wants to do cheerleading, tap, and ballet :) They'll both be back in soccer (as much as I'm dreading Saturdays full of soccer games!) At least I'll just have to worry about 2 games this season, even though B would love for us to also sign Levi up. He's old enough, but I'm already crazy without adding another soccer practice a week and another game on Saturdays. I don't think he'll be too behind waiting to start until he's 4!
June has been pretty busy for us. We spent one week with both girls in soccer camp, Levi in swim lessons, and then vbs at night. The next week just held swim lessons for Levi and this week the girls have had their swim lessons. Yes, I know we have an 8 year old in swim lessons. That we paid for! She begged and now regrets it because she's bored. But, it's been kind of good for Libby because I insisted they be in the same class, so it's them with another little boy and Libby is really having to step it up in the class. The boy is 7 and Addi is a really good swimmer (she better be since she's taken swim lessons for 6 summers!), so she's always the "example". I fought her about taking swim lessons last year and then it happened again this year. She only won because she got B on her side :) I don't forsee having to argue about it next year. We have next week off and then Levi has one more week of lessons. I'm thinking next year, we might get away with no lessons for any of them!
Alright, only time will tell when I'll be back with another post. Hopefully a better formatted post with pictures! If I don't post before, have a great 4th of July! We've got a baseball game, picnic, and fireworks all planned for the long weekend. Can't wait!